Letter from Superintendent Cormac Lynn


Dear Catholic School Families,

On Monday, 12/7/20, the Michigan Association of Nonpublic Schools (MANS), along with three high schools and a number of individual families, filed a lawsuit in response to the recent Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) order that, in part, extended the restriction of in-person learning at the high school level.  Today, 12/8/20, the plaintiffs submitted a motion for injunctive relief to the recent order.  Neither the Diocese of Saginaw nor any of our schools are plaintiffs in this case. A copy of the press release associated with this action is attached.  

The lawsuit is being filed on the basis of a first amendment violation.  The plaintiffs believe that when parents choose faith-based education, it is an extension of worship for their children to learn about their faith/be formed in the faith.  It is the plaintiff’s contention that the recent extension of the MDHHS order infringes on the free exercise of religion.

If the suit results in faith-based schools being able to offer in-person learning at the high school level, our schools will continue to evaluate local and building conditions to determine the most appropriate course of action for each individual school.  Key building metrics, such as the presence of epidemiologically linked cases in the building (i.e. an outbreak), student attendance levels at the building and classroom level, and staffing capacity due to COVID-19 diagnosis and or quarantines, would be a part of this process.  There is no specific “number” in each category or collectively that will result in an automatic transition to in-person or remote learning.  Every case is unique and will be evaluated independently by school leadership to determine the most appropriate course of action.

In the Diocese of Saginaw, our Catholic Schools remain focused and committed to the health and safety of our students, staff, faculty, families, and surrounding community.  Each of our schools meets, and in many cases exceeds, the standards for in-person instruction established by various state orders.  The Office of Catholic Schools, as well as every individual Catholic school, has created and implemented a COVID-19 Preparedness and Response Plan.  (The Diocese of Saginaw plan can be found here.  Individual school plans can be found on school websites.)  

Our Catholic schools also meet or exceed the COVID reporting requirements established by the MDHHS.  The rate of positivity, including some cases that exceed MDHHS reporting requirements, among our entire student population preschool through 12th grade  is  1.6%.  The rate increases to 2.4% when including staff and faculty.  In our high schools specifically, the student positivity rate is 3.9%.  Rate of infection among high school staff is approximately 4.0% (Some staff are shared among elementary, middle and/or high school.)    

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Office of Catholic Schools at the number below.  We continue to pray for all who are affected in any way by COVID-19.  (USCCB:  COVID-19 Prayer of Solidarity)          


Cormac Lynn, Superintendent, Catholic Schools of the Diocese of Saginaw