Rev. Robert Howe Bio

Reverend Robert Howe was born on Nov. 2, 1966 in Detroit, Michigan. He was ordained to the priesthood by the Most Rev. Kenneth E. Untener, fourth bishop of Saginaw, on Dec. 4, 1994 at the Cathedral of Mary of the Assumption in Saginaw. He has generously served the Catholic Diocese of Saginaw for more than 20 years.

During his dedicated priestly ministry, Father Howe has served as assistant pastor at St. Stanislaus Kostka, Bay City and Blessed Sacrament, Midland. He was pastor at St. Vincent de Paul, Shepherd; St. Leo the Great, Winn; and St. Patrick, Irishtown. Father Howe also served as pastor of Sacred Heart, Bad Axe; St. Joseph, Rapson; and Most Holy Trinity, Smith Corners when they were individual parishes. Two years ago, those parishes joined to become St. Hubert Parish and he is their current pastor.

Father Howe was a member of the diocesan Planning Commission during the restructuring process Planning Tomorrow's Parishes. The Most Rev. Joseph R. Cistone, sixth bishop of Saginaw, appointed Father Howe as regional vicar of Vicariate One, which includes most of the parishes in the "thumb area" of the diocese. Today, Father Howe also serves on the Presbyteral Council and the diocesan Finance Council. He studied philosophy at the University of St. Thomas and St. John Vianney Seminary in St. Paul, Minn. He earned a master of divinity degree at Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif.